Navigating the bumps

Ganesh, the ever-popular Hindu deity, is famous for his ability to dismantle obstacles, doubtless because he is gifted with the head of an elephant.

We rarely write about markets, even at a time as strange as this. Global economic growth is shrinking at rates not seen for decades whilst markets race off in the opposite direction. In theory, this suggests that markets have digested these economic woes and are looking beyond them to sunnier times. But nobody knows, and we at Yoke and Company certainly don’t claim to have special market insights.

We think that investors should be prepared for a range of outcomes – some good and some bad. For us, what is important to know is first, that you have the cash you need for the foreseeable future (which means dusting off your reserves/liquidity policy), and second, that you have rehearsed how you and your board will behave when things run against you.

This message is not new, nor exclusive to us, but that does not diminish from its importance. Sometimes organisations can’t progress these important issues because of an internal political issue, and that’s where a Ganesh-type figure is needed to unblock the path ahead so good progress can be made.

This facilitating role is one that we at Yoke and Company particularly enjoy; usually everyone around the table is familiar with whatever the issue is, but needs a new language to address it. We provide that - and therefore a way through the obstacle. Find out more about our approach here.

If you are stuck because you know what you must do to secure your future, but can’t find the right levers, this might be the time to call for help.


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Is Total Return still too terrifying?